Our survey results are in!

We asked you to rank the issues most important to you in the coming year. Here is what the results show: cost and compliance are among your top concerns for  2018...


survey photo from pexels.jpeg


Cost containment came out as the number one priority with 66% of you marking it extremely important, 25% very important, and 8% important. We hear you on this! Costs are through the roof. Look for a blog series with some surprising ways we can work with you and your employees to keep costs down. It might not be the overnight solution you want but careful small steps over time can be very effective. We'll show you have several of our clients are succeeding with strategic incremental change.


Tied for second are healthcare reform guidelines/compliance and overall benefit guidance/compliance with 42% identifying them as extremely important and 25% very important. Compliance is a hot button issue we are watching closely. Everyone wants to know what to expect in the ever changing compliance environment. Our best advice remains follow the laws on the books today and as changes affect you we'll let you know.  


Wellness and employee communication were less important to you with some of you even marking them as not important. We might be able to change your mind there since these can be useful tools in your cost containment tool box...


Thank you for your feedback! Knowing your pain points is key to our being able to help you solve problems. We will be tailoring our content to your interests in the coming weeks.


Did we leave out your hot button issue? Let us know!


{free} White Paper: Common And Costly Benefit and HR Mistakes


Photo by Lukas from Pexels

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